HF Kids: God is Loving

This Week's Video

What's the Point?

Scripture: John 15:13,17,19
Lesson Summary: Jesus loves us so much that He allowed himself to die on a cross so that we could be forgiven for our sin. He took away our consequence so that we would know how much God loves us!
The point: God is Loving
Verse of the month: “God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son int the world so that we might have eternal life through him.” 1 John 1:9
Bonus Verse: “And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.” Ephesians 3:18

Looking for More?

Talk about this:
  • Is there anything that you have done that you think God cannot forgive?
  • Parents talk to your children about confession, forgiveness, grace… so many opportunities here!
  • Ask your children if they want to accept Jesus’ gift to them by receiving salvation! If they have already done this, maybe they want to consider being baptized! Let me know if you need any help talking through this. 
Explore more:
  • Draw a big heart on a piece of paper.
  • With your family, think of big and small ways God has shown you love.
  • Write the big ways in big letters in the heart and write smaller acts of love in small letters in the heart. You can write for young kids who don’t yet know how to write, but let your older kids write their own words.
  • Fill the heart with words of various sizes so you have a “word cloud” of God’s love.

The Rock: HF Kids' 4th/5th grade

In class we covered:
  • Forgiveness, Christ’s sacrifice, salvation
  • Continue Old Testament timeline
  • Review: Who is God the Father?
  • Who is God the Son?

Parent Connect

God loves us more than we could ever imagine.

The topic of Jesus’ death on the cross is much too big to sum up in a recap letter. I have struggled with a way to present it with fresh eyes, but I am stuck. I keep coming back to the complex AND simple truth that “God so loved the world that He sent his one and only son so that whosoever should believe in Him shall not perish but shall have eternal life”.  John 316

God showed His love for us in that “while we were still sinners, He died for us”.

The question is: What is your response?

If you have never considered this question, please do. Ask your children, too. Keep asking and listening until they too make their way to the loving arms of Jesus.

If you or your kids have made a decision for Jesus but have not had the chance to declare it publicly, we will be having a baptism service on December 6th. Maybe now is the time!

Yes, complex yet simple. God. Loves. You.

Praying for that truth to sink deep into your heart this week.
~Ms. Kelly

“And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.” Ephesians 3:18
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